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    10 common foods to fight hypertension

    You can fight hypertension easily by certain dietary practices. Take a look at some simple foods that can keep a shooting blood pressure at bay.


    Grapes are rich source of potassium and phosphorus. Photo: AFP
    A rich source of potassium and phosphorus, grapes are an effective remedy for high blood pressure. Potassium, a natural diuretic, makes your kidneys excrete more sodium and relaxes the blood vessels, which help in maintaining blood pressure.



    Bananas are a rich source of potassium which helps in lowering blood pressure. Photo: AFP
    Bananas contain potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C and magnesium. Have it every day to control your blood pressure.


    Raw onions/ onion juice

    Onions contain Adenosine, a muscle relaxant, which helps in reducing blood pressure. Photo: AFP
    Onions have a positive effect on hypertension patients as they contain Adenosine, a muscle relaxant. You can either consume them raw every day or squeeze out half a tablespoon of its juice and mix it with honey. Have it twice everyday for two weeks to see a considerable difference.


    Garlic/ garlic juice

    Garlic helps to reduce blood pressure by diluting the accumulated cholesterol on the walls of arteries and veins, which eases blood flow. Photo: AFP
    Garlic dilutes the accumulated cholesterol that gets deposited on the walls of arteries and veins, eases blood flow and helps reduce blood pressure. Have garlic by smashing and swallowing it, two cloves every day. You may also squeeze out its juice, take a few drops, add them into half a tablespoon of water, and have it twice every day.


    Coconut water

    Coconut water contains nutrients that are helpful in controlling blood pressure. Star file photo
    Coconut water contains high level of potassium, along with sodium, calcium, vitamin C and other nutrients that are helpful in controlling blood pressure.


    Watermelon/ watermelon seeds

    Watermelon juice contains Arginine, an amino acid that helps to lower blood pressure considerably. Photo: AFP
    Watermelon juice contains Arginine, an amino acid that helps to lower blood pressure considerably. It also reduces blood clotting, providing protection against strokes and some other heart ailments. Watermelon seeds have also been proven to be very effective in controlling hypertension. The seeds contain cucurbotrin, a glucoside, which helps in dilating blood, thereby, reducing blood pressure.


    Coriander leaves

    Coriander leaves contain a wide variety of bioactives which have antimicrobial, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory and anxiety inhibiting properties. It has diuretic effect on the body, reducing blood sugar, cholesterol levels and blood pressure naturally.


    Mint leaves

    Mint leaves contain properties that help remove arterial plaque gradually, a significant cause of hypertension.  



    Lemon is a very good source of Vitamin C, an ingredient that strengthens capillaries. This in turn makes the heart less vulnerable against hypertension.



    Celery has an extract called NBP which helps to reduce blood pressure by relaxing artery walls and increasing blood flow. It also has fibre, magnesium and potassium that help regulate the blood pressure.

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