
  • ব্রেকিং নিউস

    কিছু Uncommon Translation

    Avwg AvMvgx Kv‡ji g‡a¨ KvRwU ‡kl Ki‡e|
    Ø  I will finish the job within tomorrow. 
    Avwg we‡Kj 4Uvi g‡a¨ wd‡i Avm‡ev|
    Ø  I will come back withing 4p.m.
    cvwLwU WvK‡Z WvK‡Z WvK‡jv bv|
    Ø  The bird tried to crow but it has falled.
    Zzwg Avmvi c~‡e© Avwg hve|
    Ø  I will go before your Coming.
    Avwg hw` ivRv nZvg, Z‡e Mexe‡K mvnvh¨ KiZvg| 
    Ø  If I were a king, I would help the poor.
     Avwg hw` cvwL nZvg, Z‡e AvKv‡k Do‡Z cviZvg
    ØIf I were a bird , I would fly in the sky.
    Avgv‡Z ‡h‡Z n‡e|
    Ø  I have to go.
    Avgv‡K †h‡Z nq|
    Ø  I am to go.

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