
  • ব্রেকিং নিউস

    60 Common Abbreviations for Textile and Garments Factories


    Important Abbreviations for Textile and Apparel Manufacturing Technology:

    1. BGMEA:

    Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association

    2. BKMEA:

    Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers & Exporters Association

    3. BTMC:

    Bangladesh Textile Mills Corporation

    4. BTMA:

    Bangladesh Textile Mills Association

    5. BGWUC:

    Bangladesh Garments Worker Unit Council

    6. WTO:

    World Trade Organization

    7. AQL:

    Acceptable Quality Level

    8. CBL:

    Center Back Line

    9. CFL:

    Center Front Line

    10. FOB:

    Free On Board

    11. GPT:

    Garments Performance Test

    12. EPB:

    Exporter Promotion Bureau

    13. C & F:

    Cost & Freight

    14. CIF:

    Cost, Insurance and Freight

    15. CMO:

    16. CMT:

    Cost of Making with Trimming

    17. NSA:

    No Seam Allowance

    18. BL:

    Bill of Loading

    19. CO:

    Certificate of Origin

    20. L/C:

    21. BB L/C:

    Back to Back L/C

    22. UD:

    Utilization Declaration

    23. AAQC:

    American Association of Quality Control

    24. LCA:

    Letter of Credit Authorization

    25. PSI:

    Pre-Shipment Inspection

    26. M and W:

    Men and Women

    27. W and G:

    Women and Girl

    28. XL:

    Extra Large (Size)

    29. L :

    Large (Size)

    30. M:

    Medium (Size)

    31. S:

    Small (Size)

    32. CAD:

    Computer Aided Design

    33. CAM:

    Computer Aided Manufacturing

    34. PTS:

    Primary Textile Sector

    35. GDP:

    Growth Domestic Product

    36. ISO:

    International Organization for Standardization

    37. GSP:

    Generalized System of Preferences

    38. GATT:

    Generalized Agreement on Tariffs and Taxes

    39. MFA:

    Multi Fiber Arrangement

    40. EPB:

    Export Promotion Bureau

    41. FY:

    Financial Year

    42. PTI:

    Private Textile Industry

    43. VAT :

    Value Added Tax

    44. ETP:

    45. P/C:

    Polyester + Cotton

    46. T/C:

    Tetron + Cotton

    47. MOT:

    Ministry of Textile

    48. MOC:

    Ministry of Commerce

    49. CNF:

    Clearing & Forwarding

    50. BWTG:

    Better Worker in Textile Garments

    51. EPI:

    Ends per Inch

    52. PPI:

    Picks per Inch

    53. ILO:

    International Labor Organization

    54. IMF:

    International Monetary Fund
    55. IFTU:
    International Federation of Trade Union

    56. PO:

    Production Officer

    57. PM:

    Production Manager

    58. AGM:

    Assistant General Manager

    59. DGM:

    Deputy General Manager

    60. CEO:

    Chief Executive Officer

    61. GM:

    General Manager

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